

Tyler Thompson earned a degree in 计算机科学 from 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 this weekend. 在他的学术生涯中, he gained experiences in 本科研究 and as the project manager in a required capstone course.


阿宾顿,爸爸. 自2018年上大学以来,泰勒·汤普森(Tyler Thompson)取得了长足的进步. He said he quickly found himself “feeling like a number” and battling personal issues. 他的平均成绩下降了, 他被给予了学术警告, 所以汤普森搬回了巴克斯县, 在当地一家超市工作,上了社区大学. 

快进到2024年春天,汤普森毕业于 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 这个周末我拿到了学位 计算机科学. Recently, he sat down and reflected on the detours he navigated to earn his degree.  

Although the word of mouth about 阿宾顿 was strong and the tuition made sense financially, 对他来说,重新全职上大学是很困难的. 但是一个电话 Vinayak Elangovan, 计算机科学专业的项目主席, 使汤普森确信他已经准备好迎接挑战. 

“维纳亚克是最不可思议的人, and there are a lot of other faculty and staff who went to bat for me and supported me. They believed in me when I promised that I wasn’t going to get less than 'As' in my courses,汤普森说。, 谁在2022年秋季在阿宾顿入学. 

虽然他的动机很明显,但他欣然接受了来自 克里斯·沃尔特斯他是学生成功的高级协调员. 

“A key to Tyler’s success was returning with the 正确的 mindset and attitude. He took full advantage of all the resources available to him to the betterment of his experience and success,沃尔特斯说. 

沃尔特斯给汤普森下的圈套 丽莎•莫里斯的助理教学教授 刑事司法 谁自愿成为他学业成功的教练. The academic success coaches are faculty and staff who offer to support students who may need extra guidance.

“Tyler's ambition to graduate was apparent through his positive ‘can do’ attitude," she said. "He discovered his passion within the captivating realm of the 计算机科学 major and delved deep into his studies. Our regular meetings revolved around important matters like course choices, 实习, 他对ACURA项目的参与, 当然, 他即将毕业. ... Serving as Tyler's success coach was a profoundly fulfilling opportunity to forge a meaningful connection with a student who knows there's someone on campus genuinely cheering them on."

汤普森说他很感激莫里斯, Walters and a string of professors and staffers who checked in with him along the way.  

“They acted as my advisers and notified me of deadlines and things so I could keep focusing on getting good grades,他说. "I could not have done it without all these people who helped make my journey at 阿宾顿 incredible. 他们收留了我,支持我. 从心底里,我非常感激他们."

Thompson is moving to Florida this summer and looking to launch his career in a software-related position in embedded systems and robotics. He encouraged other students to develop relationships with people in the 阿宾顿 campus community. 

“不要仅仅为了分数而去上课. 走开,和你的教授谈谈,”他说. "They have so much real-world experience, and they can guide you and change your life. 腾讯分分彩平台官网分校真是个福地."

汤普森说,他知道自己想主修计算机科学, 一个他从小就迷恋的领域, and two experiences at 阿宾顿 have broadened and deepened his expertise. 

他与 罗伯特Avanzato他是计算机科学副教授 工程, and they collaborated on a project that resulted in a paid summer job in an 工程 lab and participation in the 本科生研究项目,简称ACURA

“这个项目 involved taking a sonar scanner and trying to find underwater objects using artificial intelligence and neural networks. We tried it out at Lake Nockamixon and Peace Valley Park in Bucks County. It was a lot of fun, and it didn’t feel like work at all,” Thompson said. 

这个项目, 他在年度大学生研究展上展示的, 软硬件结合, 汤普森说这是不寻常的. 

“一般来说,计算机科学专业的学生不可能同时做到这两点. 你通常只和软件打交道, which is one of the things that makes 阿宾顿 and Bob Avanzato great because they mix it in,他说. 

The second experience that Thompson said will clearly benefit his career is the required capstone course for the 计算机科学 major. He served as the project manager for a team of about a dozen students that developed a secure sensor-powered smart house during their last semester. 

"I found out I was going to be the project manager, and I was scared to death. 但后来我意识到,我要做一些我喜欢和喜欢的事情. 有时候,你必须抓住机会,尝试新事物. It might be awkward at first, but it will change your life just like this role did for me,他说. 

Thompson urged students to consider 本科研究 and projects like capstones because they can differentiate you from other candidates during a job search. 

“It’s beneficial to include these projects on your resume because companies like that you took that extra step, 你做得非常好. Bob Avanzato made me so confident in my abilities that now I feel certain I can do anything,他说. “The professors at 阿宾顿 set you up so well to work in the real world, 他们会给你很好的建议. 他们真的给了我成功所需要的一切."


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